
Useful settings for the Bitmask Wallet

How do I change my username?

  1. To change your username, simply click on the three dots in the top right corner of your wallet interface.

  1. Choose "Account Details" and then press "User Category". Under "User", you'll find your current username and the option to update it. Your old username will be available to after updating.

Do not use the restricted names, such as but not limited to:

help, bitmask, diba,, team, support, admin, info, contact, feedback, security, privacy, carbonado, bitmaskadmin, help.bitmask, bitmask-help, bitmasksupport, team-diba, team-bitmask, dibateam, and bitmaskteam.

How can I use a different network (i.e. switching to testnet)?

BitMask supports Bitcoin L1, Testnet, Signet, and Regtest. To switch between networks, click on the Bitcoin button located in the top right corner, as all BitMask wallets operate on Bitcoin L1 as the default setting.

Last updated