Funding the RGB Vault

How to fund your vault to store RBG assets

How to Fund Vault:

For the best experience funding the RGB vault, make sure your wallet has been fully loaded and synced.

To fund your Vault, you need to have at least 10,000 sats or $3.62 (ATM of writing an article) to create your UTXO, to which all the assets will be attached.

  1. Click on the Asset Tab

  1. Click on "Fund RGB Vault"

  2. Choose the optimal fee for the vault transfer, and press 'Okay'

Don’t forget that BitMask is a Taproot-only wallet, so you need to transfer sats from a Taproot-supported exchange or wallet. Here is the list of Taproot-supported wallets & exchanges; please look at the ‘Bech32m’ column.

  1. You can monitor the transaction on the mempool. The pending transaction will appear in your wallet with a link to view it on a block explorer. Once confirmed, the transaction status will change from "Pending" to "Confirmed."

Note that the fee rate may be different during the time you fund your vault.

5. After funding Vault, you will have two options: “Import Assets” or “Create Asset”. See the next article on funding your first RGB Asset. Creating your first RGB Asset

We hope this guide has been helpful to you. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Feel free to join our Telegram, where you can connect with other users and test BitMask together. Happy exploring!

Last updated